“I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made.”
― Franklin D. Roosevelt






Eilean Tioram in Loch Moidart,

Lochaber Highland, Scotland.

Two Months Ago


It was a long and narrow dark path the large man in a 3-piece Armani dark grey suit. He looked out of place in the Highlands of Scotland but had a purpose as to why he was there in the first place. The shorter individual led him through a course of tunnels, silence filled the air with an exception of their footsteps on the solid, old stone that held the ruins of the castle together. The chill in the darkness, only warmed by the torches illuminating the way for the gentleman who traveled far. The other leading the way in his News Boy hat, sweater, jeans and boots, turned to the larger visitor, making sure he was still following. The trip there was long, in a very isolated part of Scotland, where few tourists who wanted to brave the terrain and few locals in the nearby towns congregated inside the fortress, for what?

Only they knew.

He nodded, the man in the suit and trench coat was well aware this journey would be one of both faith and futility, unsure, a crap shoot if you will, there were no guarantees in this. The silence started to be filtered out by faint noises coming from the end of the hall, the moisture and dew of the standing structure tickled the nostrils of the larger man, they were getting closer. The guide looked over his shoulder, his Scottish accent and voice drew a small echo from the hallowed hallways ….


Scottish Man: “We’re getting’ closer, brotha.”

Man in the Suit: “I see this is quite the journey to talk to this man.”

Scottish Man: “Aye, that is where yer mistaken, he isn’t a man, he’s lore around these parts. The one thing ya gotta remember brotha, he doesn’t take ta kindly ta strangers.”

Man in the Suit: “I have a feeling, I’m not a stranger.”

Scottish Man: “Well, ya pay well, I guess I can take ya the rest of the way.”

Man in the Suit: “Good, lead on.”


The Scot responded with a nod and kept walking closer and closer to the noises as they began to get louder and clearer. There seemed to be a light at the end of the tunnel, slowly making their way toward, the words became clearer, they were chants…..


Scottish Man: “What’s yer name again?”

Man in the Suit: “Scott…. Scott Cannon.”

Scottish Man: “Aye Mr. Cannon, I’m Angus McGill.”

Scott: “I know.”


Angus smirked, he liked the poise and arrogance of the larger Scott Cannon. As they reached the opening, it was a door. Scott could understand the chants now as Angus grabbed a hold of the knob, turning to Cannon….


Angus: “Ya hear them?”

Scott: “Yes.”

Angus: “I told ya brotha, he isn’t a man, he’s a fuckin’ God.”


He pushed the door open. Scott Cannon followed Angus in. There must’ve been over 100 men chanting his name. It was deafening for Scott, ringing in his ears….




…. Scott stopped, his eyes fixated on one of the biggest, toughest and roughest men he had ever seen. Cannon had seen old footage of him from ten years ago, he looked nothing like he did now. Twice the size, muscles upon muscles. His long dark brown hair covered his face, sweat dripping from his beard into his formed hair chest as he struck the other man….


It was Alban McConnell.


The Scottish “God” as they liked to call him wore a black kilt and boots, his fists taped as he struck the other man in the face, a red headed individual, not a slouch himself in jeans and no shirt. The crowd was eating this up, some sort of Underground fight inside the dungeons of the castle, it was surreal, straight out of a movie. Scott watched, fascinated, Angus nodded and smiled…


Angus: “Consider yerself a privileged man, brotha. Not too many see the Scottish Savage do what he does like right now. No one has ever beaten him in two years.”

Scott: “I thought he was wrestling.”

Angus: “Aye, that stopped a few years ago.”

Scott: “Why?”

Angus: “Kelcey Wallace.”


Scott’s eyes widened, surprised about the revelation….


Angus: “Kelcey was his love, she’s like an Icon here, when she retired because of sickness, Alban left wresslin’ too. It was too much fer him. Alban felt like he failed her.”

Scott: “Is that so.”


Scott’s eyes narrowed, with each punch that Alban threw at his opponent, finally clotheslining him down with such vicious force, almost taking the man head off. He then leaned in, picking him up in the air with ease and dropping him on the cold concrete….


Angus: “He’s a fuckin’ machine and it’s a wonder why he isolated himself from the rest of the world. Tell me somethin’ Mr. Cannon, why so ya wish ta speak with McConnell?”

Scott: “It’s business.”

Angus: “Aye, what kinda business? He just doesn’t talk ta anyone, brotha. I wouldn’t want yer visit ta be a waste of time comin’ all the way from the states even if ya have an British accent.”

Scott: “I am British, mate and It’s about Kelcey Wallace.”


Angus was about to say something else when he stopped, tilting his head when hearing her name. Scott’s eyes shifted from Alban and his opponent to Angus….


Scott: “Do we have business to discuss now?”

Angus: “Aye, we do.”


Both Angus and Scott came to an agreement, he wasn’t leaving until he had a talk with the monstrous Scotsman. The crowd continued to chant his name while Alban destroyed the man who challenged him….


Thirty Minutes Later


A young brunette pressed and squeezed water from the towel, wiping the blood and sweat from the wide and monstrous shoulders of McConnell. His hair hung down; a bottle of Scotch sat next to his stainless-steel mug. Alban had finished off his challenger, it was a good pay day, but the thrill of hurting others settled the anxiety and cured the pain he had, the guilt he held for many years. Alban was the man who Kelcey Wallace managed in 2009 before she decided to get into wrestling as well. The McConnell’s trained her, watching her blossom into a Hall of Fame wrestler until her untimely retirement thanks to a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease. It hit Alban hard, he couldn’t even go to her Hall of Fame ceremony though his father attended. As he sat calmly, the beautiful woman continued to rub his shoulders and then down to his chest….


Woman: “Yer bruised, hurt a lil’.”

Alban: “Aye lass, nothin’ that will change. I don’t mind it; it gives me a rush. Ya think I’m a bad man because I like ta hurt others, Ella?”


Ella shakes her head, wiping some blood from his chest near a huge bruise…


Ella: “Not at all, Mr. McConnell.”

Alban: “Call me Alban, lass.”

Ella: “Aye, Alban then.”

Alban: “I…..”


Before Alban could finish his sentence, the door opened, Angus walked in. Alban nodded and smirked…


Alban: “Enjoy the fight, brotha?”

Angus: “Aye, ya were a beast out there. Alban, I’m sorry ta interrupt but there is someone here ta see ya and they traveled pretty far, brotha. They wanted ta talk ta ya and I think ya should listen.”

Alban: “Traveled far? From where?”

Angus: “The States, California ta be exact.”


The mention of California piqued the interest of McConnell. Ella still wiping him down, his eyes widened like he had seen a ghost walk in, Scott Cannon made his presence felt. Without warning, Alban sprung up from his chair, grabbing Cannon by the tie and collar, throwing him against the wall, forcing his forearm into Scott’s neck….


Alban: “Ya give me ONE good reason why I don’t break yer neck right now and throw ya in the ocean fucker!”

Scott: “Because I am here for Kelcey Wallace and I know that you are probably the only man that can help me.”

Alban: “Kelcey? What happened ta Kelcey!?”

Scott: “She’s in a coma, had problems giving birth to her son at the hospital. My brother has decided to fall in love with another woman, Sienna Swann and they are now “Caring” for Kelcey and will not let anyone see her unless they are present. They took the baby, named him, have started to live life without her….. could you please lighten up the forearm, I am trying to talk and it’s not helping when you’re applying pressure mate.”


Alban loosens the forearm a little but still has Scott pinned against the wall….


Scott: “Thank you. I love my little brother but what he is doing to Kelcey is WRONG and I want to put an end to it.”

Alban: “Wait, yaw anna put an end ta it, brotha!? Are ya fuckin’ serious!? And why should I believe ya!? When all ya did was try ta make her life a livin’ Hell fer years while she was with Chris!? Are ya seriously gonna stand there and lie ta my face when I can easily snap yer fuckin’ neck!?”

Scott: “That is reason enough I’m not lying in your face, mate. I know you love Kelcey and honestly, so do I. I was a complete piece of shit to her and all she was to me? Kind, considerate, understanding when Taylor (Chase) and I gave her no reason to be.”

Alban: “I saw what ya did ta her and yer fuckin’ right that I will always love that woman! I have already come ta terms that her and I were never meant ta be, but that will NOT stop me from ever protectin’ her! Why should I trust ya?”

Scott: “You’re the man that has me at your mercy. I came here knowing the risk. I need your help and I cannot do it by myself. If not for me, Alban, do it for Kelcey.”


Lowering his head, Alban takes a second before letting out a grunt and releasing the choke. Backing up, Alban paces, running his fingers through his long, sweaty hair. Scott clears his throat, Angus and Ella look on not wanting to get involved yet Angus knows how important this is for Alban. The large Scotsman turns to Angus….


Angus: “I know brotha. In the last half-hour I looked it up, he’s right. She’s in a coma and they don’t know when she’s gonna wake up. He is bein’ legit, honest, I know that is hard ta believe but it’s truth. She needs ya.”

Alban: “Aye. What is in it fer ya, Cannon?”

Scott: “Make a right out of the wrongs I did. Alban, you are the only one that I have come to, there is no one else. I don’t know what else to tell you, mate. I’m not begging, but if I must, I will. No one knows Kelcey better than you and I think that you’re here because of what happened to her.”

Alban: “I was crushed when I found out about her disease, so fuckin’ afraid ta reach out cause, I wanna remember her for the Perfect Ten she was and not some decrepit shell of her former self, she doesn’t deserve it.”

Scott: “No, she doesn’t. So, help me to make certain that is not how she turns up. I don’t even know how she will react to me when Kelcey wakes up. Knowing you’re there and being a friendly face, will make all the difference.”

Alban: “What about the Streets?”


Scott shakes his head….


Scott: “Too many holes, in due time but not now. Are you with me?”


Cannon slowly raises his hand, wanting a handshake, anything to ensure that Alban is onboard. He didn’t even discuss money which wasn’t an issue. The large Scotsman lowers his head, sighing for a few moments before finally looking up and shaking Scott’s hand…..


Alban: “Aye Cannon. We do this…. Fer Kelcey.”

Scott: “For Kelcey.”


They both nod as Angus pats Alban’s back, knowing how hard the decision for him to trust Scott Cannon was and how badly he wanted to hurt him. Unlikely allies now for a common goal….

To save the woman they both, love.



Cleveland, Ohio

Three Weeks Ago


Standing in the back and watching it unfold, he could see Sienna Swann, the Heavenly Angel and creator of the “For The People” Movement reluctantly meeting with fans after SCW Breakdown, it was supposed to be Selena Frost but an attack on Frost by Sienna cost Selena the chance and so Sienna was forced to meet with the fans instead, it didn’t go well. After about thirty minutes of hell, she stormed out, right past the man watching, not even noticing him, that being Alban McConnel. The Savage Scotsman needed to get back in the ring, agreed to compete in the God of Wrestling Tournament as his way to get his foot in the door, impress after being out of the game and he could write his own contract. He had one thing in mind….

An Angel in his eyes.

Looking around, he left, following her out.

It took about twenty minutes for the enraged Sienna Swann to get back to her hotel, Chris Cannon and Laura Steinbeck were nowhere around. McConnell had an itch to scratch; her name was Sienna Swann. She stepped out of her limo. He admired her beauty, the tight red pants, colorful halter top, expensive heels. He could see why Chris cannon would fall for her lure. His eyes narrowed as the huge 6’8” Scotsman stepped out of the car. He fit right in wearing a white dress shirt and slacks, his hair slicked back in a ponytail. He watched as she headed to the elevator, looking around he followed but waited, watching which floor it stopped…..

Lowering his head and realizing what he was doing, Alban caught himself thinking of bad things, how easily he could end this all by breaking her neck. That was not the Alban in which Kelcey Wallace, knew, loved and trusted.


Alban: “What the fuck are ya doin’, Alban.”


Shaking his head, he stepped away from the elevator and headed to bar, sitting down and looking up at the television, they were showing the replay of Breakdown and the fans speaking on the show….


Bartender: “What are you having, friend?”

Alban: “Scotch, 25-year-old, on the rocks, brotha.”

Bartender: “You got it.”


As the cute blonde bartender prepared his drink, Alban kept watching the TV, contemplating why did he even take the trip to Cleveland. The Bartender served his drink….


Alban: “Thank ya.”

Bartender: “Of course, start a tab?”

Alban: “Aye, I’ll be here a while.”

Bartender: “Me too.”


She smiled invitingly to the Savage Scotsman who nodded and smirked back. Sipping his Scotch, all he could think about is getting back in the ring at the God of Wrestling Tournament and making an example of everyone that stood in his way, shock the world and defeat some of the biggest legends in the sport which to him meant nothing. It would also be a good chance to get his hands on those that called themselves Kelcey’s “Family” and “Friends”. About twenty minutes had passed, he was on his second Scotch when something grabbed his attention, the elevator opening up and Sienna Swann walking out with a child in hand. She had changed into something a little more comfortable and headed to the gift shop. Alban downed the Scotch, placing the glass on the counter and standing up, heading right to the gift shop….


Alban: “Lass, I’m headin’ over ta the Gift Shop, I’ll be back fer more.”

Bartender: “Tessa. My name is Tessa.”

Alban: “Aye, I’m Alban.”

Bartender: “See you soon Alban.”


Waking slowly over to the Gift Shop, he saw Sienna picking up a few snacks, the baby firmly in her arms, that being Kelcey’s baby. He walked up to the Heavenly Angel, standing next to her, grabbing a magazine, he glanced over and saw her debating which flavor juice to take….


Alban: “Tangerine Lemonade.”

Sienna: “Excuse me?”


She asked curiously, caught by surprise, not knowing if he was talking to her….


Alban: “Tangerine Lemonade. I saw ya debatin’ which flavor ta take, the citrus punch is pretty good, the Tangerine Lemonade, ya can’t go wrong.”

Sienna: “Thank you. Do I know you?”

Alban: “Nae, we ave’ never met. I just saw a very beautiful woman with a handsome lil’ guy tryin’ ta figure out which flavor best suits her on this night, it was my Scottish manners that got in my way, lass. It’s all, what’s the lil’ tikes name?”

Sienna: “This is Nathaniel.”

Alban: “Is he yer son?”

Sienna: “Yes, he is. I love him very much. He has his father’s good looks.”

Alban: “Aye and yer eyes.”


That comment put a smile on Sienna’s face, just to hear anyone try a comparison between her and Nathaniel was music to her ears. She even blushed a little….


Sienna: “Thank you.”

Alban: “Just speakin’ truth. He’s going ta grow up handsome I’m sure like his father and mother. Anyway, I have taken too much of yer time.”

Sienna: “It has been a bloody frustrating and crazy night for me, I welcome a little innocent conversation, it’s a nice change of pace so thank you.”

Alban: “Aye, yer welcome.”

Sienna: “Are you sure we have never met before; you look really familiar.”

Alban: “I get that a lot, people always mistake me fer Brad Pitt.”


That made Sienna laugh, after what had happened earlier in the night first with James Evans and then the fan meet and greet, it was a nice change of pace. Alban smiled, his eyes staring at baby Nathaniel with the urge to just rip him out of her arms and take him after pummeling her to the ground after smashing her face in….


Sienna: “I needed that laugh. I need to get back upstairs. I didn’t catch your name?”

Alban: “I didn’t catch yours either?”

Sienna: “Sienna and this is Nathaniel.”

Alban: “Aye, pleasure ta meet ya both. Let me get that fer ya.”

Sienna: “Oh no… you don’t have to, I…”


Before Sienna could react, Alban bout her things, handing money over to the cashier. Sienna smiled; she couldn’t thank him enough….


Sienna: “Again, you have been so kind to us.”

Alban: “It’s nice ta do things fer people especially when ya mean them. Ya seem like that type that is very givin’.”

Sienna: “I am, it’s all For The People.”

Alban: “Aye, now I know where I have seen ya, now I feel like I’m in the presence of a celebrity.”

Sienna: “Hardly, well yes but I don’t do too much bragging about that. Again, thank you so much for the advice, the laugh and the goodies. I can’t thank you enough, if there is anything you ever need….”

Alban: “Actually Sienna, there is.”


Alban leans in and whispers in her ear….


Alban: “Give Kelcey her baby back before somethin’ bad happens ta ya.”


Her smiles suddenly disappear, eyes widen, she grips Nathaniel tightly, trying her best to protect him….


Alban: “My name is Alban, Alban McConnell and now ya know who I am, lass.”

Sienna: “A… Alba… Alban.”

Alban: “Aye and the only reason why yer still conscious is because of that baby. Do yerself a favor, give him back ta Kelcey…. Before someone gets hurt.”

Sienna: “Don’t you ever threate….”

Alban: “Don’t make a fuckin’ scene. Baby or no baby I’ll shatter yer fuckin’ nose before the word “Help” slips out of yer mouth. Goodnight “Angel”.”


The Savage Scotsman slowly backs away and heads out. Sienna doesn’t even hesitate and quickly heads to the elevator where she gets in with another group of people and goes back upstairs, more worried about Nathaniel then herself. Alban heads to the bar and pays his tab….


Tessa: “Leaving?”

Alban: “Aye. What time are you getting off work?”

Tessa: “In about an hour.”

Alban: “I noticed a lil’ Jazz Bar around the corner…. I’ll be there.”

Tessa: “I will see you then.”


Alban smiles and walks out, soon as he gets through the glass doors and outside, he could see Chris Cannon with Sienna both exiting the elevator. They knew he was there, what they didn’t know was why and who brought him….

And that put the situation in his favor.


The Next Morning


She was beautiful asleep peacefully in the bed. The naked body of Tessa laid on top of the sheets as Alban was getting dressed. He had fin with her but knew this was about business, he had his fun, but it was time to get back to work. He wanted to see her again….

That was not in the plans.

Alban walked out quietly and headed to his rental, there was much more to be done.



A Few Days Later

Somewhere in Los Angeles


Kelcey Wallace slowly opened her eyes, sitting up groggy, rubbing her pearly blues only to focus. Her sandy blonde hair hung down; all she did was sleep since waking up from the coma a week prior. It was going to be a long process regaining her strength. She was a bit startled, realizing that Alban was sitting on a chair backwards, his arms resting on the top, staring right at Kelcey….


Kelcey: “How long have you been there?”

Alban: “Long enough.”

Kelcey: “Watching me sleep can be considered creepy.”

Alban: “Not when ya just woke up from a two-month long coma, Kelcey. Ya know why I am here. I know this must be all confusin’ ta ya now but in due time yer gonna understand that there are people out there that love ya and only want ta see ya alright. Many think yer still in that hospital.”

Kelcey: “Scott told me a little. I’m sure I will be filled in with everything I need to know. Alban, I know how you are, and I don’t want you to go around hurting anyone. It’s not worth it, Alban.”

Alban: “Not worth it? The other night I saw Sienna, with yer kid. I wanted ta bash her face in, bring em’ back ta ya. It was hard fer me Kelcey, it was really fuckin’ hard cause all I thought about was ya. All I can think about is how yer ex-husband disrespects ya every time he steps in the ring. What yer askin’ me fer, I can’t do.”

Kelcey: “Yes, you can Alban. I know you better than anyone and right now I am too weak to stop you from doing it. Everyday I grow stronger and when I am able to get out of this bed on my own power, then things are going to change but until then, I need you to just concentrate on this God of Wrestling Tournament. The rest will fall into place.”

Alban: “I am Kelcey, and I plan ta destroy those that disrespected ya and those that call themselves friends, allies and family. I’m gonna start with Thirteen and then find me way to David Helms, Lucas Knight, Shaun Cruze….”


Her blue eyes widen yet she is too weak to react. The last thing Kelcey wants is for Alban to go after those that she loves. She weakly grabs his hand….


Kelcey: “Please don’t, they are my family and friends.”

Alban: “Aye, and they should have been there fer ya, lass.”

Kelcey: “Alban, don’t do this.”


He slowly stands up and leans in, kissing Kelcey on the forehead….


Alban: “Get some sleep.”

Kelcey: “Alban…. No! Please do not hurt them!”

Alban: “They gave me no choice.”

Kelcey: “Alban!”


For the first time in his life, Alban doesn’t listen to Kelcey, he could hear the fear in her voice. He wanted to turn around, tell her it was going to be alright….

But it wasn’t….

Not until the blood of her enemies spill.











As the recording begins, Alban McConnell is sitting in a chair in front of the camera in a dark grey suit, blue shirt with no tie. His long hair is slicked back in a ponytail. His blue eyes look up at the camera as he begins to speak….


“We live in a world where the Devil ya know and the Devil ya don’t know play a huge part in yer decision makin’. I can sit here right now and tell ya that I am the one that none of ya know. My name is Alban McConnell and I am a longshot ta even get past the first round. The difference between me and the rest of this tournament is pretty simple, I have a purpose that goes beyond anythin’ winnin’ this will give me. Hall of Fame inductees, legends, former World Champions and talent from around the globe and different organizations that want to call themselves the God of Wrestling.

Aye, I never cared about titles, me dad taught me from a very young age that the measure of a man is by the way he acts and how many enemies he makes, then ya know, yer doing somethin’ right. I wrestled fer many years through Japan, Europe and the states. Fer some of ya, my name may sound familiar, my old manager was Kelcey Wallace, a woman that became an icon and a Hall of Famer after she retired. Someone like here should be in this. Instead that ability was taken from her and so much more.

As she lied in a coma and everythin’ was taken from her, ya all sat and watched. Her “Best Friend”, Shaun Cruze did nothin’. She has a child practically yanked out of her stomach, what did David Helms and Lucas Knight do? Distill their cheap ass whiskey. What about the woman Kelcey confided in, Selena Frost, she saw how battered and broken her good friend was and what did she do?


Seems like the common theme these days but ya see, I AM goin’ ta do somethin’ about it. The God of Wrestling Tournament is nothin’ more than a platform fer me, I knew it was too good fer some of these legends to pass up. I had left this sport a few years ago, instead fought fer scraps, change, it didn’t matter. Losin’ my passion after seeing what Kelcey went through and forced ta retire changed my view of things. In due time though, I had ta fight my way ta even get the chance ta be here now. It was inevitable, this was gonna happen sooner rather than later and here I am. I look at this tournament, some names are all too familiar. A who’s who in professional wrestling, then there are those that we have never heard of, synonymous with success outside the confines of these walls they call the SCW. I always kept tabs of these place, seen the legends rise and fall, the so-called Kings and Queens of this sport battle it out fer supremacy. Kelcey was always at the top from the minute she entered this company back in 2012 and while her career here was five years and cut short, her legacy remains…..

The same one most of ya piss on.

I am a man that is not here on a mission of mercy, instead I arrive to hurt others. Shatter some dreams and make their reality into a nightmare. They don’t even blink an eye, so arrogant and smug, confident in their abilities the last thing they expect is some random Scotsman to waltz in here and take the title of a tourney most have them penciled in ta win. See, they are all a bunch of cunts who talk a good game but when it comes time ta perform once the bell sounds, they fall flat, just like in the real world outside this forum. I am not here to talk, always been a man of action and my first-round opponent is none other than man they call Thirteen. Brotha, let me explain something; ta ya so that ya can easily understand. Yer biggest asset is the fear instilled in the opponents that face ya, the fact ya can choke them out or even out-wrestle them as yer a master in that ring.

Look at me fer a second and what do ya see?

Not just a man that wants ta shock the wrestling world in this tournament, not just a man that has a reason fer being here, not just some man that decided it was a good idea to stick my name in a pool of talent greater than most of the names active today, oh no. Thirteen, I am not just a mere man, I am a Savage and ya will be the first example I use in my journey ta the end of this lil’ event until they crown me the God of Wrestling. The SCW will have no choice, they will know the NAME Alban McConnell! It will resonate in the ears of all when it is ya, brotha that takes his “Last Breath”. I have seen many get choke out includin’ Kennedy Street who is probably one of the few people not on my list.

Life, Thirteen has a funny way of playin’ itself out. Here I was wonderin’ if I would ever see the light of day in this business again, havin’ the chance to voice my ire and fight fer the one thing I believe in more than anythin’ just like Kelcey Wallace…..


In battle though, blood will be spilled, it’s a path I’ve chosen and Thirteen, yer the first of many obstacles and trust me brotha, heed my warnings, don’t think yer name alone will carry ya past me…..

It won’t….

Cause I’m gonna break it in two.”


Alban stares into the camera…..



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